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International Workshop

PALERMO, 25 - 27 MARCH 2025


Challenges in conservation, restoration and maintenance

International Workshop

Timekeepers have always been a fundamental part of the infrastructure of astronomical observatories. In Italy, more than one hundred  chronometrical instruments (pendulums, chronometers, chronographs) are preserved across multiple  observatories. One of the most ancient and rare collections is kept in Palermo at the Museo della Specola (which is part of SiMuA, the University Museums Network) at the INAF Astronomical Observatory.

The conservation of this heritage, as well as its restoration and maintenance, is quite challenging – whether it is advisable to run these clocks or not; whether a  restoration should be attempted or not;  or which microclimatic conditions are  preferred – are still open questions. Different approaches that tend to privilege either the preservation of the historical technical elements, or the reconstruction of some mechanisms, offer different perspectives, hence it would be interesting and important to have discussions on these aspects by sharing experiences and trying to identify some guidelines. 

The workshop intends to offer an opportunity for debating these topics in order to define the best practices  for safeguarding these collections. A hands-on approach will be adopted, thanks to the collaboration of international experts in the field, through shared experiences and practical case studies.  

The objective of the workshop is to provide participants with new insights about the history and technology of observatory timekeepers, along with some practical conservation know-how.

The registration deadline is March 5, 2025;  the registration fee is 150 € and includes visits to collections, workshop kit, access to coffee breaks and light lunch, social dinner.

Please note, only invited papers will be presented at the workshop. All participants, however, will have the opportunity to take part in the discussions.

SOC: Aurelio Agliolo Gallitto (University of Palermo); Maria Rosalia Carotenuto (University of Palermo); Ileana Chinnici (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo), chair ; Louise Devoy (Royal Observatory of Greenwich); Antonella Gasperini (INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri); Giuseppe Lazzara (University of Palermo); Günther Oestmann (Technical University of Berlin); Giorgio Strano (Museo Galileo, Florence).

LOC: Maria Rosalia Carotenuto (University of Palermo); Manuela Coniglio (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo); Laura Daricello (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo), chair ; Salvatore Scarantino (Promimpresa Società Benefit s.r.l.); Antonella Tarantino (Sistema Museale di Ateneo, University of Palermo); Salvatore Speziale (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo); Stefania Turco (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo).